Welcoming Spring!

posted in: Simple Garden | 2

Inside: In spring, this rural girl’s fancy turns to gardening! What better place to head than to your local plant store for inspiration as we’re welcoming spring.

Gardening experts in front of seed display at plant store.
Ask the gardening experts! From left to right: Bob Theobald, Ann Harke (Mom), and Bill Theobald from Sugar Grove Growers. Picture courtesy of Alana Fravell.

Spring + Fun = Gardening!

Ah, it’s finally spring! Which is when this rural girl’s fancy turns to gardening. And what better place to go than my favorite local plant store, Sugar Grove Growers!

Last week the good folks at Sugar Grove Growers celebrated the first day of spring with their event: Ask the Gardener – 1st Day of Spring Celebration. Local experts Bob Theobald, Bill Theobald, and Ann Harke (Mom) were on hand, fielding (pun intended) their customers’ gardening questions. Alana Fravell coordinated the event, with lots of food goodies and her water infusions, and even a free spring planting guide!

While the first day of spring wasn’t exactly spring-like, a nice crowd turned out for the event. A lively discussion about when to plant seed potato–by the sign of the moon or not?–ensued, and Bob helped gardeners choose seeds. Folks seemed eager to purchase onion sets and seed potatoes–and sample pear bread and appetizers as well as the water infusions (see below).

Three expert gardeners in front of bins of various seeds for planting garden.
Planting seeds? These folks can help! Picture by Alana Fravell.

You know, that’s what I love about Sugar Grove Growers. They offer the gardener much more than just plants. They have a passion for growing things, and it shows in everything they do. They grow the plants in their own greenhouses, so their knowledge extends from seed to harvest. And because they’ve been in business for forty years (yes, forty years!) they know how to grow things! While a lot of places sell plants this time of year as something extra along with all their other wares, most lack the knowledge of how to take care of those plants beyond the stick stake information. If you love plants like I do, go to your local plant store. They’re full of knowledge and enthusiasm and are more than willing to help you with your gardening adventures!

Containers filled with infused water, one orange and pineapple, the other cucumber and strawberry.
Infused water, anyone? Yes, please! Picture (and infusions) by Alana Fravell.

Cool, Refreshing Water Infusions for Spring

Alana shared some of her tips for making water infusions with me. They’re pretty simple, she says.

For the strawberry-cucumber infused water, take three parts strawberries to one part cucumber (cucumbers tend to be strong). For the pineapple-orange infused water, add equal parts pineapple and oranges.

Alana is one of those good cooks who doesn’t really measure things. She says those ratios should work no matter what the size of your container. If she wants to assemble the ingredients the day before, she puts a bunch of ice in the containers with the fruit on top. The day of the event, she fills them with water. The ice layer at the bottom keeps the dispenser from getting clogged.

Thanks, Alana! And thanks to Bob and Bill and Mom for sharing their love of plants and expertise with the rest of us gardeners!

Three gardening experts in front of their plant store.
Sugar Grove Growers. . . Come on back now, ya here!

Are you ready for spring planting? Tell us about it in the comments.

Related posts: 

My Top Ten Must-do Spring Activities

How to Plan Your Garden

Gardening Advice from a Thirty-year Greenhouse Veteran

Stay Cool with Water Infusions


Posts from a year ago:

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2 Responses

    • amy@amyharkemoore.com

      It’s a great place to visit, and quite busy this time of year, that’s for sure! 🙂