Weekly Frames, Simple Update, and Other News Fresh From the Farm

Inside: My weekly photo challenge, an update on my simple life, and thoughts on hunkering down. Check out all the latest fresh from the farm.

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Waiting for spring. Simple life.
My photo for the “Shoot from Above” challenge. I call it, “Waiting for Spring.”

My Weekly Photo Challenge

It invariably happens when I’m talking to a friend or relative that the subject rolls around to, “What’s new with you?” Often I’m at a loss and answer, “Nothing new, same old same old.”

However, this time I have something to tell. I’ve started this weekly photography challenge called 52Frames. They describe themselves as a “worldwide community of photography enthusiasts from all walks of life (ranging from novices to experts).” Basically they post a challenge and participants must take a photo within that week. For example, the gnome was taken during the “Shoot from Above” challenge for week 5.

For me, the point of signing up is to learn and grow in my ability to take pictures, mainly for this blog. Also, it’s fun to meet the weekly challenge and see what other photographers did with it. Folks are kind and encouraging, and the front man of this whole wonderful idea is a guy named Yosef Adest who does an amazing job of putting it all together! So glad I signed up!

Not to worry, though. I promise I won’t inflict all my shots on you. Just some of them. Like this “Fill the Frame” shot below from week 4.

Stay tuned!

Tree missing bark.
“Tree Missing Bark,” the title for the “Fill the Frame” challenge.

An Update on my Simple Life

We’re now into February, so I’ve been walking out this year’s word, simple, for over a month. While I live a simple life by nature, I have been surprised how this tendency has increased even more so over the last several weeks.

Back in December I had this dream that we moved the coffee table over to the side wall, leaving a large open space in front of our electric fireplace and television stand. I thought it was odd in that it was so normal, as dreams usually aren’t. But it got my attention, and while I had to wait for the beginning of the year because the Christmas tree was taking up that space, I couldn’t wait to try it out. Once I moved the coffee table against the wall, the space seemed strange, and the distance between the television and couch seemed awkward. But it quickly grew on me. It’s more open, easier to clean, and uncluttered. I’m really liking it!

Another example: my diet. I’m trying this high protein, eat five small meals a day diet. My food choices are limited, and for now that’s okay. It’s freed me up from excessive meal planning and made grocery shopping easier and cheaper! Mike and I have cut out our daily low carb dessert to save calories. We’ve also decreased the amount of supplements we’re taking, and, speaking for myself, I haven’t noticed a difference. The ones I’m still taking are the most important–omega 3s, turmeric, multivitamin, and minerals (always minerals!).

Each day I try to accomplish one major thing, curbing the need to list every little item in my planner. If I think of some small task that needs doing, I just do it. I’ve learned that I can easily become overwhelmed, which, at times, can be paralyzing. Paying attention to how I work best has been freeing. Days feel less stressful, more focused, which leaves me more time to be present for those in my life.

Already a student of simple living, I find I’m digging deeper into the subject. I’ll be sharing what I’m learning as I go, and if you have anything to add to the discussion, I’d love to hear it!

Simple flower to illustrate my word for 2020.
One word says it all.

Thoughts on Hunkering Down

Last Wednesday the National Weather Service had us preparing for a winter storm. We’d been warned, which meant buying groceries to last for a few days. In our area, that seems to be bread, milk, and eggs, for some reason. (French toast, anyone?)

Mom texted and asked if I’d meet her up at the barn to help move a heavy sack of feed and turn on the space heaters in the pump house. She wanted to get it done, she said, so she could hunker down for a few days.

For my own part, I was tempted to text Mike to stop by the store on his way home from a short work day (early dismissal due to weather) to pick up ingredients for soup. Mentally I was preparing to hunker down myself. Break out the fuzzy warm socks. Make sure coffee and tea supplies are plentiful. Have something ready for binge-watching.

The threat of a snowstorm will do that to a person.

And then, surprise, surprise, no storm! A powder sugar sprinkle of snow, a little bit of sleet, and that’s all she wrote. While part of me was relieved we missed the 4 – 7 inches forecasted for our area, the other part was a little disappointed. There is something so cozy about being home with nowhere you have to be, hunkering down with the ones you love.

Granted, that sentiment changes with the frequency of snow. For some reason, though, I have an inkling we’re going to miss the opportunity this year. And that’s okay, too.

There’s always next winter.

A barn in the snow to inspire winter conversations.
A picture from the previous winter.

What’s happening in your neck of the woods?

Resources and related posts:Β 

One Thing at a Time: 100 Simple Ways to Live Clutter-Free Every Day by Cindy Glovinsky

52 Frames Weekly Photo Challenge

My Goals for 2020

My Word for 2020

How I’m Finding Time to Read and Other Worthy Pursuits


Posts from a year ago:

What’s in my Winter Wellness Kit

Butternut Beer Brats Soup Revisited


From two years ago:

Simple Low Carb Fudge

Salvaging a Bad Day


4 Responses

    • amy@amyharkemoore.com

      Thanks, Patsy! And there’ll be more to come. πŸ˜€

  1. Eugene Harris

    Hi Amy. Love your pic “waiting for spring “. My wife Tammy and I have a landscaping area occupied by 15 Gnomes. We call it the United States of Gnome. I am enjoying reading your stories.

    • amy@amyharkemoore.com

      Hi cousin! So good to hear from you, Eugene! Love your description of your U.S.G. If you’re so inclined, would love to see a picture of them (send to amy@amyharkemoore.com.) πŸ˜€ Thanks so much for reading the blog posts and popping in to say hello. My best to you and Tammy and family–God bless you guys! πŸ™‚