We’ve Been Nominated for a Sunshine Blogger Award

Inside: We’re doing something a little different today. I’ve been nominated for a Sunshine Award, and with the honor come ten questions. So, up close and personal, here are my answers.

nominated for a sunshine blogger award

Margo L. Dill from Look to the Western Sky, who is a talented author, fellow blogger, and good friend, nominated me for a Sunshine Award. Answering ten questions goes along with the honor. Here are the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you. (A huge thanks, Margo, for thinking of me!)
  • Answer the questions from the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate other bloggers for the award.
  • Notify the bloggers you have nominated them.
  • Hope they link to your blog in a nice post where they answer these ten questions.

Without further ado, here are the questions.

1. What do you love most about blogging/writing?

I love coming up with a topic, developing it, and finding or taking photos to go with it. Blogging is my favorite creative outlet in this season of my life.

2. Name a place you’ve never been but would love to visit and why?

Scotland. I’m not sure if it’s the castles or the charming accents, but I’m intrigued.

3. Describe your favorite snack.

Cheese popcorn, although right now nachos sounds really good. The problem is I’m doing keto, so nachos with tortilla chips is nada. I admit to buying small bags of cheese popcorn every once in a blue moon, although it is also not keto friendly.

4. What’s the best movie you’ve seen recently?

Recenly. . . . Well, if you consider November recent, that movie would be The Man Who Invented Christmas. It’s about Charles Dickens’ adventures in writing A Christmas Carol.

5. What is your favorite season and why?

Fall. The colorful leaves, the hint of wood smoke in the air, bright orange pumpkins and dried cornstalks. I love it!

6. Do you believe in ghosts?


7. What advice do you give but don’t take yourself?

It’s important to exercise regularly. Granted, I’m doing better with my fitness device.

8. If you had to choose one favorite color, what would it be?

I lean toward plum these days. Funny, but if you call it purple, I don’t like it. But plum, now that’s a color.

9. When is the last time you laughed?

Last night, watching Frasier reruns.

10. Do you prefer a tablet or actual book while reading?

I’d rather read a book. It feels more natural to me than my Kindle, and at a glance I know how much of the book I’ve read. Location 823 really doesn’t help me figure out where I am.

Now my turn to nominate:

I nominate Cheryl Carter (aka Calen) from Impromtu Promptlings. Calen has been a huge supporter of my blog, and I am very grateful for that! She has a section on her blog called “Seeker,” but I feel like that is a main theme running through her blog. (Not sure she would agree with me.) Always seeking, whether through introspection or simply taking on a topic or trying to make sense of the world.

Again, thank you, Margo, for nominating me!

Related posts:

About Amy

Why I Write

The Useful Art of Daydreaming



8 Responses

    • amy@amyharkemoore.com

      Thank you so much, Bev! 🙂 I hope your book Bible Brides is selling lots of copies!

  1. Margo Dill

    Thanks for doing this, Amy, and I want to see The Man Who Invented Christmas–maybe it will turn up on Netflix soon. 🙂

    • amy@amyharkemoore.com

      And thanks for nominating me! 🙂 It seems like movies with Christmas themes they like to hold off on releasing them until the following year so they can capitalize on holiday buying. So my guess would be October or November, though they might surprise me.