My Word for 2019

Inside: At the end of every year, I wait for the word that will serve as a theme for what lies ahead in the coming year. I’m pretty excited about my word for 2019. Read on to find out why. . . 

My word for 2019.
Ready to expand!

Cautiously Excited

Expand. . . To increase in extent, size, volume, or scope. Enlarge. To spread or stretch out, unfold. To express in fuller form or greater detail. Develop.

After living out my word consistent consistently (I couldn’t resist), I was looking for a new direction. Sort of like eating too many salads with ranch dressing for too many days in a row. Good for you, yes, but you’re needing some variety. Enter the word expand.

Some years I get my word as early as October. Other years it’s just before January. This time, around mid-December (when I was knee-deep into doing the marathon 12 Posts of Christmas), I’d been reading something when I got a gentle nudging upon seeing “expand” in the text. So I made a mental note and went back to the Christmas things that take center stage for the season. After Christmas I saw the word a few more times, and each time it’s like it nearly lifted off the page. At least that’s my process. No other competing words came into the picture, so by the end of last week, I knew it was mine. Since then I’ve seen it all over the place, almost daily. It’s crazy–except it’s not. God has His ways. And this year’s word comes with a scripture as well. Isaiah 54:2 “Enlarge your house; build an addition. Spread out your home, and spare no expense!”

I am excited. Cautiously excited, anyway. I say that because I’ve gotten words before and had a whole different idea of what I thought my word meant only to find out that it wasn’t what I expected. Five years ago I actually got a phrase, “write it down,” and I mistakenly thought that meant I would be finishing my novel that year. Instead it turned out that I was supposed to journal and get my feelings out that way. A close friend who likes to journal thought that was cool. I didn’t. When it comes to journaling I have a like-hate relationship with the practice. Like because of the benefits associated with writing things down. Hate because my practical nature balks at the idea that there is no useful or productive application for my journal entries other than “Amy’s mental health,” which I was tired of dealing with back then. When you’re typing out words on a page fueled by raw emotions, there is nothing pretty or poetic or lyrical about it.

But I digress. . .

So it’s January 4, and I have this word that seems exciting and cool and just what the doctor ordered. In a practical sense (there goes my nature again) we have for years wanted to build a home. Not sure that’s what this eludes to, but I can dream, can’t I? The word could also mean growth in some areas, such as this blogging business, and I’ve wanted that since I started A Rural Girl Writes. Or it could mean character growth. Sigh. Though I think the scripture puts a more specific spin on it. . . Or maybe across the board, in many areas of my life, I’ll see expansion.

We’ll just have to wait and see what the year brings. And that, my friends, is what I’m excited about!

I’ll keep you posted.

The sky’s the limit.

Do you choose a word for the year? If so, what is it? Share it with us in the comments.

Related posts:

My Word for 2018

Taking Inventory 2018

Taking Inventory of 2017

How I’m Finding Time to Read and Other Worthy Pursuits


Posts from a year ago:

Making Goals for the New Year

When Your New Year Didn’t Go as Planned


2 Responses

  1. Margo Dill

    I chose something similar GROW. I want to Grow my business, my good habits, my relationships and my personal health!


      That means a great year awaits us, Margo! 😀 Keep me posted on how things develop during the course of the year as you GROW!