Life in Bloom, Blog Birthday, and Other News Fresh From the Farm

Inside: Life in bloom, the blog turns four in March, and brewing another batch of wellness tea. Check out all the news fresh from the farm.

Peach blossom
Peach blossom on the cusp of blooming.

Life in Bloom

Spring, always welcome, is upon us once again, and I never tire of it. I love the pastel blooms from flowering trees and the subtle floral scent that perfumes the air. Nothing like it.

If all goes well, all of those pink flowers enticing the frantic bee activity will result in peaches. Lots and lots of peaches. I didn’t get around to making preserves last year. Didn’t get around to a lot of things, really.

I aim to rectify that this year. In more ways than peaches. . .

Happy Fourth Blog Birthday!

Happy Birthday A Rural Girl Writes!
Happy Birthday to us!

A Rural Girl Writes turns four this year. The blog, that is. The girl turned 55. . .

But back to the blog. It always amazes me how people find me and what my most popular searched posts are. In case you’re wondering, too, here they are for your clickable enjoyment:

  1. Turn Sprouted Sweet Potatoes into Plants
  2. The 12 Posts of Christmas, Day 9: Tortilla Cinnamon Rolls
  3. Make Our Simple Egg Fast Chai
  4. The Story of the Hillbilly Christmas Wreath
  5. Uncovering Strawberries in Spring
  6. Planting Sweet Potatoes in a Cardboard Box
  7. Simple Suppers: Easy Pizza
  8. Make Our Keto Red Velvet Mug Cake for Valentine’s Day
  9. My 3 Essential Tips for Growing Strawberries
  10. Crunchy Green Bean Snack

Four of the posts are about gardening, five are recipes, and one is a perennial Christmas favorite. Truly a mixture of what we’re about–gardening, recipes, and family craft projects. For years the tortilla cinnamon rolls has been popular, as well as the egg fast chai tea. But the sweet potatoes? I rank high for people searching for what to do with those doggone sprouting sweet potatoes. Which speaks to the resourcefulness of a lot of folks. . . I like that.

No matter why you stop in, I want to thank you for tuning in to my blog. It makes the writing all that much sweeter.

Brewing Another Batch of Wellness Tea

A simmering pot filled with sliced lemons, garlic, ginger, and cayenne pepper.
Brewing a pot of tea!

As we celebrate life in bloom and another blog birthday, I find myself brewing another batch of wellness tea. Yes, the changing weather had me catching more than spring fever. I caught myself a head cold.

Immediately I sprang into action, taking my Airborne, chopping up lemons, grating ginger root, and peeling garlic cloves. Even being proactive, it still took me about ten days–and about a dozen bags of cough drops–to get completely over it.

If you happen to be under the weather and you don’t mind peeling a little garlic, I highly recommend this tea. It’s a great detoxing recipe to drive the little nasties away.

And, er, maybe some humans.

Happy spring, everybody!


Resources and related posts:

My Five Favorite Spring Posts

Lemon Wellness Tea for Sick Days

All About Strawberries: A Roundup of Our Strawberry Posts


This day in past posts:

Happy Birthday, A Rural Girl Writes! (2018)