Happy Birthday, A Rural Girl Writes!

Inside: The blog turns one today! At 125 posts and going strong, we’re looking ahead to more great gardening tips, recipes, reflections, and DIY adventures as we embrace the simple life together.  

  • Warning: This posts contains a lot of exclamation points!
Happy Birthday A Rural Girl Writes!
Happy Birthday to us!

The blog turns one today, and although we’re still toddling around, steps sometimes wobbly, we’re determined. In honor of our first anniversary, I thought it might be fun to reminisce through an impromptu interview.

Why did I start the blog?

I wanted to create a space where like-minded folks could come together in an encouraging and helpful environment. Where people find themselves saying, “Me, too” and “I understand.” A place to connect and support others. I look forward to our little community growing in the coming months.

What has been the most challenging part of blogging?

I’m never at a loss for topics to write about. The hardest part for me is to post on a regular schedule. I’m working on that, though. Consistent, remember? Another challenge is to find the right pictures to go with posts. I get a vision in my head of what I want and get frustrated when I can’t reproduce it, whether through my own attempts at photography or finding free images online. Or bugging family members for pictures.

What were the most popular posts?

Best Time of the Day (guest post by Patsy Reiter), Get Started with Essential Oils, The Story of the Hillbilly Christmas Wreath, Backyard Bird Feeding 101 (guest post by Patsy Reiter), Remembering Dad.

Admittedly this is hard to measure. The page that gets the most views is the home page, which has the latest posts on it. Most people first read posts there. The others are direct links people have passed along or Internet searches.

What were my favorite posts?

The Story of the Hillbilly Christmas Wreath, Bucking Bales: A Family Tradition, Finding my Pace: Slowing Down to Enjoy Life, Gardening Advice from a Thirty-year Greenhouse Veteran, An Unforgettable Anniversary, My Noisy Clock, Best Time of the Day.

I should add here that I love doing the 12 Posts of Christmas, and to a lesser degree the decluttering challenge and soup series. Series are fun to do but also lots of work.

What can readers expect in the future?

More “Fresh From the Farm” reflective posts, gardening how-tos, recipes and Simple Suppers, a decluttering challenge in the fall, the 12 Posts of Christmas, more interviews, DIY adventures with Mom, essays, and, well, just more. And hopefully better photography from me.

Special thanks to. . .

We’ve gotten 302 comments (half of those are my responses) from 24 different people! Cool! Most notably I’d like to thank Kelly, Kathy, Lori, Patsy, Bev, and Aunt Deb for commenting multiple times. Your comments encourage me! And, Calen (from Impromptu Promptlings fame), I’m going to thank you separately because of your faithful commenting. You helped me to keep on keepin’ on! If I’m being honest, there were days when you were the only one visiting this blog, and your comments encouraged me more than you will ever know! You have a special place in my heart!

I’d also like to thank Mike, Lisa, Ricci, and Mom for taking pictures for me, but I especially want to thank Emily for taking the time to take so many pictures that I requested, and for helping me learn to take my own. Your pictures have taken this blog to a higher level!

And thanks, Mom, for being my biggest fan, telling people about my blog and posting about it on Facebook!

May I ask a favor?

For those of you reading this, will you take a moment to either let me know a memorable post that stayed with you or what types of posts you enjoyed the most, whether stand-alone or series? You can leave a comment to this post or send a private email to me at <amy@amyharkemoore.com>. This will help guide me to serve you better in the coming year.

Again, thank you so much for reading my posts! If I could, I’d send you each a piece of cake thick with icing and heavy on sentiment.

Much love,


Which posts resonated with you? Tell me about it in the comments.

Related posts:

Why I Write

About Me



8 Responses

  1. Kelly Dunn

    I love your blog! My favorite post was the recent one about the packages going to your cousin’s house. It reminded me not to forget to love on others. You never know when God may call them home. My next favorite was actually the soup post.

    Thank you for writing!

    • amy@amyharkemoore.com

      Thanks, Kelly! And thanks for supporting this blog. 🙂 Your encouragement means a lot!

  2. Jeremy Harke

    Definitely “Remembering Dad.” A hard person to do justice to in writing about, but you did a great job!

  3. Aunt Deb

    I like them all, Amy. They take me back to happy days in the country. If you cause people to take a moment to rest and reflect, you have accomplished much. Keep up the good work. I love you!!!! 😊

    • amy@amyharkemoore.com

      Thanks, Deb! I promise to deliver more of the same. 🙂 And I love you, too!!!!

  4. Patsy Reiter


    I can’t believe it’s been a year since you started your blog. Happy birthday! Picking a favorite post is difficult because they’ve all been so informative, helpful, down-to-earth, and just plain wonderful. I do believe my favorite picture is the field of sunflowers. Your posts give readers a peek into affordable, easy, and calming hobbies and crafts along with great gardening ideas. The healthy, cost-efficient recipes are terrific. What more could we ask for? Blessings for another great year. Patsy Reiter

    • amy@amyharkemoore.com

      Thank you so much, Patsy! 🙂 I know, one year is hard for me to believe, too. Thanks for your comment, and especially your support and encouragement! It means a lot!