Cloud Hunting, Cup O’ Happiness, and Other News Fresh From the Farm

Inside: Desperately seeking clouds, the little things that make your day, and what is in a word.

Cloud hunting.
Trust me, the clouds moved. Even if it doesn’t look like it.

Desperately Seeking Clouds

More from the continuing saga of my photography class.

I’ve been desperately seeking clouds. It’s all about a photo assignment, due Thursday. I’ve been tasked to show movement in them, but in order to do that you need–you guessed it–clouds. And while any clouds will do, the ones which work best for this particular assignment are the cumulus variety that seem to be in a hurry.

So morning, throughout the day, and into the evening, for the past two weeks, I’ve been parting the blinds, peeking skyward in search of the perfect cloud and light conditions. That’s also taking into consideration the camera equipment I’m using, though my teacher (Emily) sent me a filter to help me in my quest.

She’s been coaching me, offering advice and encouragement. Last week she sent me a text: Fast-moving clouds. And they were perfect. Unfortunately, the person behind the viewfinder is not. But what I have been noticing is that from all of these bad photos I’m getting it. My brain is starting to understand the basics. Progress!

So while the cloud situation didn’t look wonderful one night this past week, I headed outdoors anyway, layered in sweatshirt, coat, and stocking cap, into the jaws of the west wind for a sunset photo with moving clouds. The above is one of the results. I eagerly came home and inserted my SD card into my laptop to see what I captured and thought maybe. I showed them to Hubs, and he patiently scrolled through them.

“What do you think?”

He gave me that look that says, “Ah, Grasshopper, you have much to learn.” And then, as I have asked him to do, he shows me what did and didn’t work and gives me more pointers. To be sure, I didn’t “nail it.” There are several flaws, but after two weeks of repeated failures, I’m kind of happy with this one.

Did I happen to mention I have another portion of the assignment? Night photography. I got a date with a crescent moon in my near future. Say a little prayer for me.

The Little Things That Make Your Day

Cup of happiness.
Coffee can be beautiful.

A cup of coffee too pretty to drink? Well, almost. Caleb at Roasted Bean does a wonderful job fixing my decaf sugar-free hazelnut latte. One of the things I love about Mondays.

I’m not the sort who needs diamond rings or expensive clothes to make me happy. As a matter of fact, it’s hard to come up with gift ideas for my birthday when I’m asked. My list this year consists of a few kitchen utensils and scented soaps.

Also world peace and a better Netflix selection.

But, seriously, I’m a simple gal. It’s the little things that bring me joy. A line from a poem that stays with me for days. A striking photograph. Finding a new recipe that I love. Seeds popping through soil. Observing the natural world around me and the subtle march of seasonal activities. (Pun intended.) Small talk with small town people. And a thousand other little things.

I come from a line of low maintenance women. I often remind my husband of that fact and how blessed he is to have me. He works at a church where diva sightings are common enough and he knows he has it good.

Fortunately for me, he’s a pretty simple guy, too.

What Is in a Word?

“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter–’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightening.” –Mark Twain

So Hubs and I are riding along on the way to church the other day, and I’m talking a mile a minute, jumping from one subject to the next when finally I come up for air.

“You’re quiet,” I say.

“You’re talking,” he says.

“I know, you’ve got tonight’s work on your mind. You probably didn’t hear much of what I said.”

“I’m captive,” he says.

“Aww,” I say, “you find me captivating?”

“No, I’m captive. I can’t go anywhere else.” (He says this with his classic dry humor.)

Captive versus captivating? I’ll take captive any day. . .

After all, he can’t go anywhere else. (Grin.)

Heart on wood.


What’s happening in your neck of the woods? Tell us about it in the comments.

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2 Responses

  1. Cheryl Carter

    “I come from a line of low maintenance women. I often remind my husband of that fact and how blessed he is to have me…” Something else we have in common. His nibs has always thought that. Having this MG has changed his mind a little bit. All of a sudden I have times of neediness — not helpfulness!

    Love that Mark Twain quote!


      We low maintenance women are a special breed, aren’t we, Calen? 🙂 My grandmother, mother, and I married the youngest in the family. I wonder if that makes a difference. Though maybe not. . . Must be quite an adjustment for you guys with your MG. Though I know you have been caring for him with his health issues, too.

      I’m not far from Twain country–to the north of me about an hour and a half away. Pretty cool to see his home and tour the cave.