25 Random Things I’m Thankful For

Inside: Below is my list of 25 random things I’m thankful for this year. Do any of these appear on your list, too?

Pumpkins and mums, thankful
Giving thanks for living in rural America!

25 Random Things I’m Thankful For

November is the month I most associate with giving thanks. So before we turn the page to December, I wanted to take a few moments to make a random list of things I’m thankful for. It is by no means exhaustive, and I know I’ll think of more to add later. Also, it is in no order of importance, so items both small and great will find themselves positioned next to each other. This list is simply generated by what comes to me as I write it.

Fun exercise. Let’s get to it!

I’m thankful for. . .

  1. (That) I live in rural America! There’s no other place I’d rather be.
  2. My husband Mike who sits across from me, quietly browsing on his tablet while I type.
  3. Clarence, my kitty who sleeps on the couch near Mike.
  4. My daughter Emily who is an amazing woman!
  5. My son-in-law Jared who is talented in so many ways! (And who has a great dry sense of humor.)
  6. One of my favorite classic tv shows, The Andy Griffith Show, which happens to be playing one of my favorite episodes at this moment, “Convicts at Large”–the one with the three women escaped convicts who take Barney and Floyd prisoner in a cabin. (I told you this was a random list.)
  7. Christmas! From all the preparations, the shopping, the foods, the lights, the tree, the carols. The good tidings of great joy as we celebrate Jesus’ birth!
  8. My good health.
  9. My family, both near and far.
  10. Mom–I’m so glad she’s in my life!
  11. Pizza nights.
  12. The basics–running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, heat by simply turning on my thermostat. How easy we have it compared to our ancestors!
  13. The gift of writing.
  14. My library of books from how-to, fiction, Bibles, self-help, history, biographies, and so much more. (And the teachers who taught me how to read and appreciate them.)
  15. My friends, many of whom are writers.
  16. My writing critique group.
  17. My friend Candace who has been with me through many years in this writing gig!
  18. My friend Joy whom God brought into my life all the way from South Africa.
  19. Living in the Midwest.
  20. Living on a farm, the best way to grow up. I will always be a farm girl at heart!
  21. People from my past, good and bad, who’ve shaped me into the person I am.
  22. A peaceful home.
  23. A moral upbringing.
  24. The freedom to strive and be anything in a country of unlimited opportunities!
  25. A God who loves me more than I can ever imagine!

How’s that for random?

May you be truly blessed as we enjoy this Christmas season and head toward the promise of a new year and brand-new start!


  1. Patsy Reiter

    Amy, I loved the thankful list. These are things we all need to appreciate and hold dear to our hearts. It made my day. Have a blessed Christmas season. Patsy