2018 Decluttering Challenge, Day 5: The Living Room

posted in: Simple Living | 2

Inside: It’s TGIF, and today we’re decluttering the living room–otherwise known as our second favorite catchall! Will I find 25 items scattered around this space dedicated to rest, relaxation, togetherness, and fun? I’m thinking yeah.

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Decluttering the living room
Not my living room–though mine has been this messy!

Decluttering the Living Room

We turn to the living room today to do our purging, and, for me, this is one of those places that fills up with stuff quickly. The project du jour or current book or magazine I’m paging through. Work-related items if I want to get something extra done while I’m watching Perry Mason reruns. Used coffee cups, if I’m being honest. (I go by the 12 -hour rule of returning them to the kitchen.) Hey, at least I bring in the bowls and plates I’ve used–if I don’t fall asleep in front of the TV, anyway.

Enough about me.

So what types of items might we find in the typical living room for casting off?

  • old movies (maybe even VHS)
  • ancient video games (hopefully not Pong)
  • magazines on the coffee table
  • books
  • décor needing to be retired
  • used up candles
  • old VCRs, DVDs, stereo equipment

How Did I Do?

I surpassed my goal of 25 items by throwing away 35. Today’s haul included manuscript pages (lots), several old ink cartridges, a used envelope, business card, trash. Yes, more paper. Occupational hazard. So while not exactly typical living room items, the room feels a bit lighter!

So how is the decluttering going? Tell me about it in the comments.

Related posts:

Announcing Our 2018 Decluttering Challenge

2018 Decluttering Challenge, Day 1: The Kitchen

2018 Decluttering Challenge, Day 2: The Spare Bedroom

2018 Decluttering Challenge, Day 3: The Junk Drawer

2018 Decluttering Challenge, Day 4: Paper


Clutter Free: Quick and Easy Steps to Simplifying Your Space by Kathi Lipp

Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free Academy

2 Responses

  1. Patsy Reiter

    Amy, my living room is the only place in the house that is organized. I have very little work there–
    maybe a few magazines. I’m so glad you passed your goal. Good job! Patsy

    • amy@amyharkemoore.com

      I think my messy living room is because I so often have the TV on in the background when I’m doing computer work on the couch. So my living room is very, very lived in! 🙂