Our Very Simple Valentine Tart

posted in: Simple Food | 1

Inside: What’s quick, simple to make, has only five ingredients, and celebrates Valentine’s Day? Our Very Simple Valentine Tart, that’s what!

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Our Very Simple Valentine Tart
Crispy, fruity, and cinnamon-y! What’s not to love?

Admit it, Valentine’s Day snuck up on you this year. You need something quick, easy, and fitting the occasion. Something that doesn’t require a lot of ingredients or preparation. Something that can be somewhat healthy–or defiantly not—with some flexibility in the recipe.

Enter our Very Simple Valentine Tart. It’s crispy. It’s fruity. And cinnamon-y, too. What’s not to like?

So let’s get to it, shall we? Here are some step-by-step, easy-peasy instructions with pics. The recipe follows.

How to Make Our Very Simple Valentine Tart

Here are the ingredients you will need.

Ingredients for Very Simple Valentine Tart


Fold one tortilla in half.

A tortilla folded in half.


Cut into a heart shape. Kitchen scissors work great!

Tortilla cut into the shape of a heart.


Ta da! A heart! Now spread a 1/2 tablespoon of butter evenly on one side.

Tortilla shaped like a heart with butter spread on it.


Sprinkle a 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon and sweetener (or sugar) over the butter, covering it.

Now flip tortilla over so the buttered side is down. Bake at 375 degrees for 5 minutes.

Cinnamon and sugar sprinkled over a buttered, heart-shaped tortilla.


Remove from oven and spread 3 – 4 tablespoons of your favorite red preserves.

(I used my homemade plum.) Bake for 10 more minutes.

Tortilla tart spread with plum preserves before baking.


Remove from the oven and sprinkle with powdered sweetener or sugar!

Our heart-shaped Valentine made from a tortilla.
Up close and personal. You know you want to take a bite.


Our Very Simple Valentine Tart
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 1 tart
  • 1 large whole wheat Carb Balance tortilla
  • ½ tablespoon of butter
  • ½ tablespoon of cinnamon/sweetener (or sugar) blend*
  • 3 - 4 tablespoons of your favorite red preserves
  • powdered sweetener or sugar for dusting (optional)
  • *Cinnamon/sweetener (or sugar): 1 part cinnamon to 4 parts sweetener or sugar
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees and line a sheet pan with aluminum foil.
  2. Fold the tortilla in half and cut to shape like a heart.
  3. Spread butter evenly over one side of the tortilla.
  4. Sprinkle the cinnamon sweetener or sugar over the butter and gently flip the tortilla over, making the buttered cinnamon side the bottom of the tart.
  5. Bake for five minutes and remove.
  6. Spread the preserves over the top of the tart and bake for an additional 10 minutes.
  7. Cool and dust with powdered sweetener or sugar if desired.
  8. Enjoy!

Recipes Notes

While I usually post keto and low carb recipes, this one isn’t particularly so. Yet it’s not terribly unhealthy, either. There is a lot of flexibility within this recipe. For starters, you can choose your type of tortilla–regular, low carb, white, whole wheat.

You can choose sugar free preserves, though I have not tried this, so I’m not sure how that will work. I use reduced sugar preserves, which have fewer carbs than regular jam but taste better than sugar free. You can also use fewer tablespoons of preserves, though the tart might not look as pretty. As for what flavor to try, I have used plum, cherry, and strawberry with success. You can also use different colors. (Peach is really good as well as apricot.)

You might also get really creative and try raspberry jam with a drizzle of chocolate. If you do, leave me a comment. I’d love to hear about it.

Make our Very Simple Valentine Tart today, for your special someone–even if that special someone is you!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Resources and related posts:

Mission Carb Balance Large Whole Wheat Tortillas

Make Our Keto Red Velvet Mug Cake for Valentine’s Day

Simple Low Carb Fudge

The 12 Posts of Christmas, Day 9: Tortilla Cinnamon Rolls

The 12 Posts of Christmas, Day 2: Spiced Nuts


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