The 12 Posts of Christmas, Day 6: My Top Five Favorite Christmas Posts

Inside: Five years ago we started The 12 Posts of Christmas feature, so to celebrate, we’ve gathered together my top five favorite Christmas posts. 

The 12 Posts of Christmas, Day 4: In Pursuit of Perfect Pines
Me and my tree

My Top Five Favorite Christmas Posts

After putting together the 12 Posts of Christmas feature for the last five years, I thought the time was right for a roundup of my favorite Christmas posts. Not an easy task by any means because I’ve enjoyed so many of them, and for different reasons. What follows is my short list of favorites, the ones that have just a bit more sparkle than the rest. Let’s countdown from five.

5. In Pursuit of Perfect Pines

In pursuit of perfect pines.
One morning at the tree farm in early December.

Excerpt: Every year it’s the same–the search for the perfect pine. And in my mind’s eye, on the best will do.

Something without a bare spot. No missing branches. A vibrant green color. No dead spots or brown needles. Our assignment is pretty clear. We’re not some first-timers.

Why I love this post: There was something special about that day, even magical, out at our favorite tree farm. The sky was clear and blue, the air still, carrying the sounds of children running from pine to pine as their parents followed behind, deliberating. Which tree to choose? When I came home to write the post, it simply wrote itself.

4. Homespun Christmas Ball Ornaments

Homespun Christmas ball ornaments.
Colorful and lovely. Perfect for your pine.

Excerpt: So this year when it came time to decide our Christmas DIY project, Mom and I had something else entirely in mind. We had set out to make a garland with strips of cloth, but it seemed like the parts of the project weren’t falling into place, and we were running into time issues–that last-minute thing again. Fortunately she’d seen some homespun Christmas ball ornaments and thought we should maybe try that.

Why I love this post: I really like the way these ornaments turned out, and I thought they photographed well. I also like that even though we were doing this post on the fly, it all came together beautifully in the end.

3. Tortilla Cinnamon Rolls

12 Posts of Christmas Tortilla Cinnamon Rolls
The easiest cinnamon rolls you’ll ever make.

Excerpt: Okay here is my disclaimer. These don’t taste “exactly like cinnamon rolls.” But they taste a lot like them. What’s missing is the soft yeasty bread quality of the real McCoy. But the buttery-cinnamon-nut flavor is all there.

I can honestly say that when I eat these, I don’t feel deprived!

Why I love this post: Emily (my daughter) took these pics, and I love how they turned out. I make this recipe a lot because it’s so quick, easy, and good. And I’m not the only one . This post is one of the top 3 viewed on this website year around.

2. Reflections

12 Posts Christmas Reflections
You never know who will stop by the Hillbilly Christmas Wreath.

Excerpt: The Christmas season swoops down upon us each year, dominating our lives for a short while, and with it come memories, like snapshots. Here’s a glimpse at some of mine.

Why I love this post: The picture! A little background. . . This was our first Christmas without Dad, and some friends of the family decided to surprise Mom by dressing up and grabbing a surprise picture. It brought  a lot of joy to us! Also, just the random hodge podge of reflections from that Christmas and how God can bring joy even in a difficult situation.

1. The Story of the Hillbilly Christmas Wreath

The Story of the Hillbilly Christmas Tree
Mom officially named this the Hillbilly Christmas Wreath.

Excerpt: He [Dad] always wanted to do something big for Christmas, like put a star on top of the forty-foot silo, and I remember talking to him about decorating the huge pine in the yard of the two-story farmhouse where he grew up–“We could raise the loader bucket and someone could stand in there and . . .”

But we never did.

Dad was a dreamer. The doing part? Not so much. He had a dairy farm to run, after all, and between that and helping people, there wasn’t much left of him.

Why I love this post: The story is special to Mom and me, and the rest of the family. People snap pictures of the tire and pose in front of it, and over the last five years, our Hillbilly Christmas Wreath has brought so much joy to people. And this is the story of how it all started!


So there you have it–my top five favorite Christmas posts! Grab a hot beverage and enjoy some holiday reading!

Merry Christmas!


This day in past posts:

The 12 Posts of Christmas, Day 6: My Top Ten Christmas Movie Picks 2017

The 12 Posts of Christmas, Day 6: Simple Wreath Ornaments 2018

The 12 Posts of Christmas, Day 6: Of Hair Combs and Watch Chains 2019

The 12 Posts of Christmas, Day 6: Peppermint Mocha Pie 2020