Third Quarter Goals Update 2019

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Inside: It’s been my a learning curve for me, this planning goals anew for every quarter. What’s going on with my current projects? I’ll explain in my third quarter goals update. 

*This post contains affiliate links.

September, third quarter goals update.
September, we hardly knew ye!

September. Where’d you go?


At the start of the third quarter, I, again, set out to either make new goals or continue with the previous ones, all after prayerfully considering what Jesus would have me do, as in keeping with the Jesus-centered Planner I set out to follow at the beginning of 2019.

Let’s recap so far:

First quarter goals:

  • Learn to manage my time well.
  • Be more social.
  • Make a budget.

Second quarter goals:

  • Focus longer term. Decide what is and isn’t important to me going forward and build my days around this.

Then came the end of June with a milestone birthday party for Mom, family visits, editing projects, and a surprise trip to the ER. July crawled by and August didn’t hurry much, either, as I felt life slowing down for a reason. (When Seasons Linger explains it.)

Nevertheless, I entered the start of the third quarter with a goal, though my focus, this time, was more health related. Simply this: Lose weight.

But with this goal, I’ve been researching other health topics like thyroid and inflammation. My motivation, of course, has been the yearly writer’s retreat in western Maryland, and I’ve taken off at least ten pounds. . . And still working on it!

Progress on all of these goals has not been tremendous by any means. Rather, it’s been baby steps for me. Little by little as I wrap my head around new ideas and ways of doing things.

October is just around the bend. I don’t know what my goals for the last quarter will be. I leave for my annual trip to Maryland on the first, gone for a week. For now that’s my priority.

Then I’ll be ready for Q4.

September calendar page, tracking third quarter goals.
Fall is here!

Resources and related posts:

The Jesus-centered Planner 2020

Lang Cow Calendar

My Goals for 2019

Quarterly Goals Update 2019

When Seasons Linger

Finding my Pace: Slowing Down to Enjoy Life


Posts from a year ago:

Announcing Our 2018 Decluttering Challenge!

2018 Decluttering Challenge, Day 7: Clothes and Shoes


From two years ago:

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