Inside: I’m looking back over the past year to bring perspective, as well as closure. . . Taking inventory 2022.

Looking Back and Taking Inventory 2022
If you’ve landed on this page and are unfamiliar with this blog, each year I take the time to try and process the previous twelve months to bring perspective and closure. These ten questions are a great place to start. (If you’d like to answer these questions for yourself, click here for a printable copy.)
In many ways this year felt like 2021 version 2.0. I find I’ve moved past being hungry for change to being more like starving at times! Maybe next year.
1. What worked?
Praying more, especially focusing on being thankful. Doing steps while praying.
Picking up a gallon of raw milk every other week at a local small dairy. One of the best things we started doing this year because it keeps me in touch with my dairy farming roots.
Grocery shopping Mondays with Mom.
Eating whole foods.
Watching classic television to unwind.
2. What didn’t work?
Focusing too much on one person’s advice for health and diet.
Struggling to lose weight and get in shape.
Reading too much negative news.
Letting the dishes and laundry pile up.
Eating too much sugar this Christmas.
3. What surprised you? (Whether good or bad.)
The unrelenting barrage of hardships we have encountered this year. Part of me feels like I’m making way too much out of it because I haven’t dealt with major illness or death or crippling financial problems like other folks have. It’s been a lot of breakdowns and rodent infestations and strife and frustrations seemingly one thing after another. December has been particularly difficult.
I am hoping next year that I will actually have something good to say when answering this question.
4. What disappointed you?
Unanswered prayer. I will leave it at that. Hopefully one of these days I can be more specific.
5. What were you most proud of?
That I got some work done on one of my novels.
6. What gave you the most joy?
Spending time with my nephews. Shopping for and planting flowers.
7. What drained you?
See #3. The unrelenting barrage of hardships.
8. What wasted your time?
Too much reading news and political commentaries.
Too much television (at times).
9. Who did you enjoy spending time (or connecting) with?
Mike, Mom, Emily, Jared, my brothers and their families, Patty, my critique group, Joy. Video chats with Karisa.
10. What gave you the most peace?
Trusting that God’s plan is turning things around, not only for me but for our country.
Again, not much different than last year. That tells me I’m in a rut. I’d like to do better. Hoping some good changes will be a part of 2023!
If you would like a copy of these questions to take your own inventory, click below:
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