Taking Inventory 2018

Inside: It’s that time of year again–taking inventory 2018. Reflecting upon the year with these simple questions helps bring closure as well as guide me to what lies ahead.

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Taking inventory 2018.
The year in review.

I’m back with a long and sometimes hard look at the past year. It really works for me to set aside time to do this at the end of December. These ten questions are simple yet provoke some thought and help me put life in perspective so I can move forward into a brand-new year. So here goes. . .

1. What worked?

Having coffee with God first thing in the morning (after getting dressed and feeding cats).

2. What didn’t work?

Living so much of life on the fly. If you had asked me a year ago if I was good at planning, I’d have said, “Not bad.” Now I realize that this is an area I really need to work on to avoid needless stress. Like doing 12 posts in 12 days with only scribbling down an idea for each day. . . What typically happens is that I do things last minute because I don’t have a proper handle on how long a task will take. Then I rush around and start to panic because this is not a comfortable pace for me, only to feel overwhelmed which makes me lose my focus. So the joy of doing what I like to do evaporates in this rushed environment, and this frazzled feeling spills into other areas of my life.

All that to say, more thorough planning could eliminate most, if not all, this unnecessary stress I bring upon myself.

3. What surprised you? (Whether good or bad.)

If my father’s passing away surprised me last year (which it did), I was doubly surprised when my cousin and neighbor around my age died this past spring. . . Really hoping when I do this a year from now I actually have a good surprise to share rather than a bad one.

4. What disappointed you?

A lack of results in so many areas of our lives, and, in some ways, feeling like we were moving backward and losing ground. It was a year of planting a lot of seeds but not seeing much of anything come to fruition. But . . . (Thought continued below, question 10.)

5. What were you most proud of?

That I actually stuck with my exercise goals. Nearly every year that I’ve written down goals, exercising has been on my list–with the goal being unmet. Previously the word “exercise” would find me with a grimace on my face–a grimace of dread, not one of exertion from lifting weights or doing squat thrusts. That I no longer make a face or dread it–well, seldom–says a lot. And that I’m getting my steps daily and exercising seven days a week (most of the time) shows tremendous progress. Hello, fitness tracker!

6. What gave you the most joy?

Learning photography and taking pictures for blog posts.

7. What drained you?

I’m going to cheat and just quote directly from last year, because it still holds true:

“To a lesser degree, simply neglecting taking good care of myself–vitamins, resting, eating healthy. I’m at a place in my life where I avoid as much stress as possible, so I can’t recall feeling drained from anything other than just not having energy at times. Living as simple a life as I can helps tremendously.”

8. What wasted your time?

Mulling over a situation that I have no control over. Sorry to be so cryptic, but I can’t say more about it at this time. Hopefully it will be resolved in the new year, in which case I can fill in the blanks.

9. Who did you enjoy spending time (or connecting) with?

Mike. Mom, having coffee at Roasted Bean. My family and friends. My monthly-ish phone calls with my dear friend Joy. My writer’s group here and my adopted writer’s group in Maryland! Joining Instagram and making new friends there.

10. What gave you the most peace?

Through the uncertainty of situations and disappointments (again, sorry I can’t disclose more) I have felt overwhelming peace. So really it’s more Who gave me the most peace, and that would be God.


Your turn. If you are the introspective type, copy down the questions you want to answer, or, for an abbreviated version, simply what worked for you and what didn’t work. As you answer these questions, you might find some answers overlapping. That’s perfectly fine. In fact, those areas might be the ones you need to more closely examine.

So let’s finish the year off right, consider its lessons, and then wave goodbye.

So long, 2018!

Reviewing the year, 2018.
The months flew by!


How did your year go? Tell us about it in the comments.

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Posts from a year ago:

Taking Inventory 2017

Second Snow, Our Top Ten, and Other News Fresh From the Farm