Inside: The dark days of January can be hard to navigate. A bad start to the new year, the bitter winds of winter, can conspire against us. Here are some helpful tips for surviving January.

Surviving January
I’d like to say that every January comes with the excitement of a fresh start, shiny new goals, and mild weather . . . and puppies and kittens and daisies and chocolate chip cookies the size of a manhole cover. But, often, it does not.
Fresh start, yes. But cold temps and overcast skies are typical fare for the first month of the year. No baby animals or cheery pots of white and yellow flowers. And forget the cookies. Many of us are in full diet mode to shed those pounds we’ve been accumulating since Thanksgiving.
What’s a gal to do?
The following are excerpts of favorite winter posts with links for easy reading to help you find your way surviving January.
The Five W’s for Thriving in Winter
Winter. Not exactly the most popular of seasons. My dad didn’t like winter. Working on a dairy farm in the cold all those years can do that to a person. I know because I worked alongside him for a couple of decades to see for myself.
I’ve faced my own battles, too, in the past. Feeling down or even full-blown depression a couple of times in the month of January have resulted in some hard winters in my lifetime, and though life is better these days, I’m still learning how to manage winter and all the pitfalls this time of year can bring.
But I am learning. Here is what has been helping me survive–and dare I say thrive?–this season.
Warmth. Bundling up. Dressing in layers, even if I’m taking out the trash. Wearing gloves. In the past I’ve been known to not properly prepare for the cold with my clothing choices, which left me shivering and crabby. This year I’m taking better care of me.
When Your New Year Didn’t Go as Planned
I had high hopes for 2017. By December I had gotten my word for the next year—“accelerate,” and I was excited. I took a class in goal setting, watched videos, filled out worksheets, and listened to podcasts. I carefully penned my actionable steps in my brand spanking new calendar. And I dreamed.
Then my dad passed away.

8 Uplifting Essential Oil Blends for Wintertime
Winter is the perfect time to diffuse essential oils. With the house shut tight against the cold and the furnace running so much of the time, I like to keep my diffuser going. This particular season, as I’ve been warding off a head cold, I’ve been diffusing a blend with lemon and eucalyptus oils and breathing so much better! When I’m feeling tired, I mix peppermint and rosemary oils to energize me. Scents like sweet orange boost my mood and brighten my day.

Simple Suppers: Classic Broccoli Cheese Soup
You know how it is. You go into a restaurant and see the “soup of the day” sign. You’ve got a hankering and ask the waitress. She says, “Broccoli Cheese,” and you’re definitely in. . . Or maybe I’m just talking about me.
I’ve been a fan for a long time, but I must confess, I never made it until I went on a fat fast. (In a nutshell, eating 80 – 90 percent of your calories from fat for a few days to lose weight. . . Yes, it works. Seriously.)

Make Our Simple Egg Fast Chai Tea
Note: This is our most popular post ever. This tea is substantial. Mom loves to make it for her breakfast during the month of January. You don’t have to be on a diet to enjoy it, but it’s very low calorie, low carb, and keto friendly, and the spices reportedly help you lose weight.
Looking for a hot beverage to get you through the morning hours or maybe an afternoon pick-me-up? Try our egg fast chai. Only four ingredients and a blender, and you’re good to go!
Have you heard of egg fasts? If you’ve been hanging around keto or low carb circles, you’re probably familiar with the term. For me, a few days on an egg fast helps break a weight loss stall, so I like to do them every so often.
January Blessings
Hopefully I’ve left you with enough tips and recipes for surviving January. But this one thought I’ll leave you with. As hard as it can be sometimes, blessings can still be found in this sometimes harsh month. For me, three come to mind:
January is the birth month of my daughter–one of the biggest blessings of my life. I still remember the weeks of ice and carefully walking out to the car that day to go to the hospital.
Another is the anniversary of my parents. Had two crazy young kids not gotten married on that cold day when the groom’s car died, I wouldn’t be here.
And, last but not least, a very good friend and writing critique partner also claims January as her birth month. I love our every-so-often Bread Co dinners before the Scribes’ Tribe gathers for our biweekly meetings.
I’m sure there are many more things to be grateful for. Maybe I’ll make a cup of my chai tea and give it some thought. . .

How do you survive January? Share in the comments.
Resources and related posts:
“It Just Ain’t My Year” by Katie Blackburn for Coffee + Crumbs
Winter Conversations, Clarence Hiding, and Other News Fresh From the Farm
What’s in my Winter Wellness Kit
25 Ways to Be Good to Yourself
Posts from a year ago:
Lemon Wellness Tea for Sick Days
From two years ago:
How to Make Chicken Bone Broth
Rain Rain Stay, Suburban Farm Supply, and Other News Fresh From the Farm
Patsy Reiter
Amy, love this post. January is a tough month for many people. Thanks for sharing and providing some
wonderful survival ideas. Patsy 🙂
Thanks, Patsy. 🙂