My Simple Detox Day 5: Onions and Garlic

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Inside: We’ve finally come to my simple detox day 5, and on this final day of the experiment we’re discussing the benefits of onions and garlic. We’ll also post my notes for the day as well as the results of the entire detox. Let me just say, wow!

my simple detox day 5
Onions and garlic make everything taste so much better! Well, okay, probably not desserts.

Why Onions and Garlic?

Onions and garlic are staples in my kitchen. How often do I start a dish with simply sauteing onions? So I was pleased to discover their many benefits. Part of the allium family, onions and garlic reduce the risk of heart disease and decrease blood pressure thanks to the sulfer compound they contain. Onions also have anti-inflammation properties.

And speaking of this incredible vegetable, onions have many beneficial nutrients, including vitamin C, manganese, molybdenum, B6, tryptophan, folate, potassium, phosphorus, and copper, to name a few. Garlic provides a good source of many vitamins and minerals, such as manganese, B1, B6, vitamin C, tryptophan, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, and copper, among others.

When it comes to detoxing, garlic and onions are a potent source. Loaded with sulfur, they help the body rid itself of toxins. For thousands of years garlic has been used to detox and improve health.

Note: Avoid overcooking garlic, since it turns bitter and loses its detoxification properties. Add it during the last one or two minutes of cooking on low heat. Onions and shallots retain most of their nutrient content with cooking, so saute to your heart’s delight.

Notes on Day 5

Admittedly I was a little tired on the final day, but I’m not sure it was due to detoxing, as I didn’t sleep well the previous night. Which is a point worth discussing. Water and electrolytes are extremely important, regardless of whether you change your diet for a few days or not. I kept up with my water goals, as well as supplements. Meals stayed pretty much the same, except for dinner we had roasted broccoli, onions, and garlic with the soup I made earlier in the week. Yum. No suffering at all on this detox!


I’m pleased with how well the experiment went. Admittedly I’ve always liked the idea of a detox but hated doing them. I remember trying one particular recipe that required downing a fourth of a cup of olive oil before taking lemon juice. Needless to say I didn’t last five minutes before the gag reflex reared its ugly head. That’s no way to live!

This plan was easy, and I reaped several benefits. I had been having little aches and pains and more frequent headaches, which are gone. I also lost two and a half pounds, two inches off my waist, two inches off my navel-abdomen measurement, and one inch off my hips. Yay!

What would I do differently? Next time I’ll probably take less activated charcoal and pay attention to when I take it. Dr. Axe suggests taking activated charcoal 90 minutes prior to meals rather than after meals. (I learned this after the detox.) I might also try relying on food alone to detox to see how that would go. That said, activated charcoal is good for detoxing, and I keep it around the house for use in case of mild food poisoning. Believe me, when you’re camped out in the bathroom from eating some bad food, activated charcoal is your new best friend!

Results and notes aside, please know I am not a health care professional, nor do I mean this as advice. I am only sharing my experience with detoxing.

Thanks for coming along for the ride. You helped keep me accountable!


Onions and garlic.
Good cooks use onions and garlic.

Interested in detoxing? Tell us about it in the comments.

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