Inside: Another gift guide? Yes, but I never once mention any special days of the week. For those still looking, here’s my Rural Girl’s Favorite Things Christmas Gift Guide 2019.
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Let me guess. Since about twelve a.m. November 1 you’ve been inundated with everybody’s idea of what makes a great gift guide. Am I right?
Well, good. So I’m on time–on time because while you were busy preparing for Thanksgiving and deleting all those gift guides from your inbox, I’ve been carefully crafting mine for those of us who wait until the last minute . . . er, um, I mean the perfect moment, for shopping.
Let’s get to it, then. Time’s a wastin’.
Gifts Under $20
Dunkin’ Donuts White Chocolate Peppermint Ground Coffee, 11 oz., $12.75.
Every year around this time I love to drink peppermint chocolate flavored coffees. The problem is, I’m very picky about which ones I buy because so many I’ve tried have no peppermint taste at all. Enter Dunkin’ Donuts Limited Edition White Chocolate Peppermint. Pair this up with a cute mug, a paperback, and a soft plushy throw, and you’ve got a nice little gift without a lot of thought.
Chances are you can find DD white chocolate peppermint coffee in your grocery or discount store–but maybe not. I know I haven’t seen it in my stores. So here’s the link in case you can’t find it anywhere, either.
Suds By Stacy and More Surprise 12 Pack Essential Oil Sampler Pack, $11.99 + $7.00 shipping.
Em got me a huge sampler (more than 30 small bars) of these soaps, and they have lasted me a year. Besides the great scent, what I love about these soaps is that I didn’t have to constantly put lotion on my hands last winter. These kept my hands soft through the colder months.
Gifts Under $30
2020 Wall Calendar – A Year of Flowers, $29.00.
I have my sister-in-law, Ricci, to thank for pointing me to these lovely wall calendars by Carleigh Courey. (Ricci carries these in her shop.) She gave me one of these last year, and I really have enjoyed it. What I love about this calendar is that the beautiful botanical drawings hearken back to around the time my novel-in-progress takes place.
Leather Journal Lined Paper – Handmade Leather Bound Writing Notebook (6×8 in), Leather Journal by ThoughtSpace Journals, $24.97.
Last year I had been looking for a new gratitude journal, and I liked the primitive leather look of this one. Then when I got it, I loved the brown, lined paper for writing in–so much so that I bought one for my son-in-law, who also seems to like his. The journal comes in a nice gift box perfect for giving.
Gifts Under $50
Kindle Fire HD 8 Tablet (8″ HD Display, 16 GB) – Black, $49.99. (Limited time deal.)
My Kindle is such a part of my daily routine that it goes beyond just a recommendation. And, to be honest, mine is getting old. Unfortunately our devices need updating from time to time, and it’s about time! But the thing is I’ve had my Kindle Fire HD 7 for six years this Christmas, and that’s a long time for a device! (By the way, the Kindle Fire HD 7 comes in at $39.99, also limited time deal.)
Gifts Under $100
Fitbit Inspire HR Heart Rate & Fitness Tracker, One Size (S & L bands included), $68.99. (Limited time deal.)
I love my Fitbit–I’ve mentioned that before. And while I do not have this particular version of tracker (I have the Fitbit Alta), the company is topnotch, the Fitbit Inspire is a bestseller with Amazon, and it’s been tested along with other fitness trackers and found to be a great value with the Amazon folks. If you’re wanting to make fitness a priority in the new year, I highly recommend this purchase!
Tuxton Home Duratux Stainless Steel Tri-Ply Dutch Oven with Lid, 6-Quart, Silver, $89.09.
I love, love, love this Dutch Oven! I use it all the time for everything from making soups and chili to cooking preserves and pickles for canning to simmering bone broth. It’s very sturdy, yet you don’t have to be a weight lifter to tote it around. One of the features I love best about this pot is that it has quart (and liter) measurements on the inside, which is why it’s my go-to pot for canning. Takes the guesswork out of how many jars I’ll need.
And there you have it–the Rural Girl’s Favorite Things Christmas Gift Guide 2019! Happy shopping, my friends!
Are you ready for Christmas? Tell us about it in the comments.
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A Rural Girl’s Favorite Things Christmas Gift Guide 2017
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