Inside: Life’s too short not to wear reindeer socks, our most popular posts of 2018, and living out my word this year. Check out the latest at A Rural Girl Writes

Life’s Too Short Not to Wear Reindeer Socks
A few years ago I received a Christmas present of five pairs of socks with cute winter-reindeer motif, the same pattern but in different colors–red, navy, brown, cream, and ecru. And I love them. In fact, for the longest time I loved them so much I never wore them. . .
Let me explain. It goes back to an old habit that’s hard to die. Not wanting to use something–waiting for the perfect time to wear or use it. Silly, I know, but there is this part of me that wants to preserve things. Sort of like the “not using the good china” mentality.
I’m not the only one. Years ago I read an essay from Erma Bombeck in which she mentioned putting a beautiful candle, shaped like a rose, away in storage, not wanting to burn it. Turns out the candle ended up melting in storage.
Barring some vicious moths, something similar was unlikely to happen to my socks. But they sat neglected in a drawer for a little over a year until finally I started to wear them. At first they only saw the light of day briefly before I stuffed my foot into a boot. But then it hit me–why not wear them over my jeggings in such a way they could actually be seen? So I did.
Then another revolutionary thought dawned on me–why not wear them around the house? They made me smile. They gave me joy. So why not?
As I explained this story to the giver of the socks–Emily–she listened to the story, and when I was finished with my saga, she shrugged and said, “I just got them because I thought they were warm.”
And, yes, they are that, too.
Our Most Popular Posts of 2018

This time of year you see a lot of top ten lists, and we here at ARGW don’t want to be left out! Here are the top ten posts of 2018, according to page views. Note, that doesn’t necessarily mean the posts were published in 2018, just that these are the most viewed this past year.
- Make Our Simple Egg Fast Chai
- The Story of the Hillbilly Christmas Wreath
- The 12 Posts of Christmas (2017), Day 9: Tortilla Cinnamon Rolls
- Crunchy Green Bean Snack
- Announcing Our 2018 Decluttering Challenge!
- Backyard Bird Feeding 101
- Bucking Bales: A Family Tradition
- Auction Day: A Poem
- Simple Low Carb Fudge
- Happy Birthday, A Rural Girl Writes!
My own analysis as to why these posts, why this order? If you know anything about the keto diet, you know that keto is one of the most searched diets on the Internet, and egg fasts are related to both this and low carb eating. So no surprise there. The Hillbilly Christmas Wreath has gained ground since we first put it together last year, and thanks to Pinterest it’s finding its way around to people. The Tortilla Cinnamon Rolls are also going around Pinterest thanks to some really great pics that Emily took–and it’s a really good recipe! The Crunchy Green Bean comes in next for the same reasons. The subject of decluttering is a perennial favorite as people need to organize and simplify their lives. Backyard bird feeding is a popular hobby. My essay about bucking bales, not sure why except that it dawned on me that someone could do a search on “bucking tradition” and this would probably pop up, though not having anything to do with that expression. My poem “Auction Day” about my cousin’s farm equipment being sold off was shared widely among my extended family–a very big family! Simple low carb fudge–who doesn’t like fudge? And our anniversary post, I’m not really sure why except maybe curiosity.
So these are the most popular, though not necessarily in my personal top ten for what I liked and thought turned out well. Are any of these your favorites?
Living out my Word This Year
It’s been an interesting year, to say the least. Not what I’d call a bad year, just not one of great success. Mostly I felt like I was treading water so much of the time. Can you say “consistent”?
A fitting word, that good ole consistent and I have to say my own definition of the word has changed. I used to view the word “consistent” through the lens of perfectionism. The best example to me was an Olympic athlete in training, with no other work but to train, every day, without ever missing a day. That was my idea of consistent.
I now view the word differently. I see it more like sticking with something, whether it be a project, establishing good habits–whatever. Within these new parameters, momentary failure is possible, yet remaining there isn’t. Fall off the horse and get right back on. Miss a day of exercising, yet rather than giving up, showing up to do it the next day. Establishing a habit of consistently not giving up–that’s how I now see my word of 2018.
While I didn’t see a lot of results, I did learn a few lessons. We often measure a successful year by everything going right, but maybe, just maybe, the years in which things don’t go right are when we learn the most–and see the most growth.
And while I won’t say I’ve fallen in love with the word, I will say I have come to appreciate what living out my word has taught me.

Note, I have my word for 2019 and will reveal it in a few days. Let me just say I’m really excited about it, so stay tuned!
Did you adopt a word for the past year? Tell us about it in the comments.
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Slowing Down to Enjoy Christmas
Is Perfectionism Holding You Back?
Posts from a year ago:
Second Snow, Our Top Ten, and Other News Fresh From the Farm
Patsy Reiter
What a great idea. Thanks, Amy. Patsy
Which one? 😃