Inside: The thermometer is showing no sign of budging, and the windows are closed up tight. A little fresh air would be nice, but we’ll have to make our own. Enter summer simmering potpourri.

We’re on day four of the heat wave, and the air conditioner is working overtime. Fans are stirring up a little breeze, but I’m missing my open windows. If I want fresh air, I’ll have to make it myself–in the form of summer simmering potpourri, that is.
If you are a regular on Pinterest, as I am, you find many good things under the sun. Last fall when I was interested in finding Christmas potpourri, I happened upon some recipes for a lighter scent perfect for summer. So I can’t take credit for this particular scented concoction, but as it is listed repeatedly on various websites, I don’t mind passing along this recipe.
Summer Simmering Potpourri
You will need:
- 1 fresh lemon, sliced
- 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract
- 3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 1 quart of water
Gather the ingredients together in a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer. You can also transfer the potpourri to a slow cooker and keep on warm or low, or simply make the potpourri in the slow cooker to begin with, though it will take longer for the scent to fill the room.
Check the water level every so often and add a little more to replace what has evaporated. Potpourri aficionados store the potpourri in the refrigerator when not in use, though I didn’t. I heated it up at least once per day, and it lasted for about four or five days before being spent.
You might have noticed the lack of cinnamon sticks in the photo. That’s because the basic recipe doesn’t call for them. But, honestly, the first three ingredients added to the water didn’t wow me. So, several hours later, I put in the cinnamon sticks that a couple of versions suggested. The lemon mixed with the vanilla, rosemary, and cinnamon soon filled my kitchen with a refreshing, sweet aroma.
Enjoy the light, lingering scent of summer simmering potpourri.

Have you ever tried simmering potpourri? Tell us about it in the comments.
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Neighborly Encouragement and the Power of Flowers
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Patsy Reiter
Amy, I love lemons! When dining out, my request is water with lemon. Patsy 🙂