My Five Favorite Spring Posts

Inside: Ah, spring! No more cold, dreary days. The earth finally wakes from its long winter nap. We’re celebrating the season with my five favorite spring posts.

Field in springtime with wildflowers beside a dirt road.
Shall we go for a walk?  Picture by Emily Moore.


Spring! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. . . Er, on second thought, let me give a sampling of my five favorite spring posts for your seasonal reading pleasure.

Pink magnolia tree at sunrise.
Magnolias in the spring.
Picture courtesy of Emily Moore.

My Top Ten Must-do Spring Activities

Ah, spring! We’ve gotten a nice dose of it this week, and it feels as though we’re finally leaving the heavy coat of winter behind us. I am more than ready to move on! Now I’m turning my attention to the new season, watching the stories of budding leaves, flowering trees, warm winds, and green grass. Eagerly listening to the melodies of birds fiercely belting out their morning tunes and peepers rising from slumber to add to the chorus.

Here at the blog, I’m dusting off words and airing out posts from springs’ past. One of my favorites from last year was my Spring Bucket List: 25 Ways to Celebrate the Season. While I’d like to do each and every entry on the list, realistically I’ll probably only get to do a few of them. What follows is my top ten must-do activities. See if your list matches mine. CONTINUE READING

Spring forward.
Sharing my morning with the birds.

Spring Forward

Is it possible to be homesick for spring? If so, I am.

While most years you can count me in with the folks eagerly awaiting robin sightings and tulips pushing up through the cold earth, this year I’m lacking in patience. Signs aren’t enough. I want spring now. Now! And the weather is just not cooperating. Like Tuesday night’s snow–thankfully brief. Okay, I’ll admit it was pretty, but I’m done. Memories from one particular Easter from my teen years came back to me as I recalled women and girls in their pastel dresses and open-toed shoes gingerly walking in the snow to church.

It can happen in Missouri. . . CONTINUE READING

Uses for eggs.
Mom and Emily’s egg coloring adventures from a few years ago. Picture courtesy of Emily Moore.

A Dozen Uses for Eggs

The incredible edible egg–do they still say that in commercials? Probably not, but it remains true, nonetheless. This time of year eggs often go on sale, so why not take advantage? As for Mom and me, we share the duties of feeding and watering a ragtag flock of chickens on an alternating schedule. The one feeding gets the spoils. During winter months–unless you provide a source of light to trick them into laying–production tapers off. In our case to zero or one egg per day. Now with the longer hours of daylight, we’re up to six or seven. With better temps and still more light, that number will increase.

Out of necessity, my preoccupation with eggs has led me to finding creative uses for the chicken fruit. What follows is a list of a dozen ways, some fitting in the odd or strange category. Have fun!

1) Make Tempera Egg Paint. Who knew? CONTINUE READING

Starting seeds.
Some of my babies. Picture courtesy of Emily Moore.

Starting Seeds Indoors

Seeds intrigue me. A little miracle inside a small package. Potential. Possibilities. I love this!

I get excited when I see a rumple in the dirt, tiny shoot pushing its way to the sun. A seed does its magic unseen, underneath a dark blanket of soil. It takes faith and waiting. And waiting and waiting. I never tire of the miracle.

At my cousin Phil’s funeral recently, his brother-in-law retold a story from Phil’s mother, how as a small boy he used to put seeds in the ground to see if they would come up. I tucked that story away to take along with me. As a child, the “seed” of what he would become, a farmer, was inside him, too. . . CONTINUE READING

Ways to Use Up the Strawberry Harvest.
What all the best dressed strawberries are wearing this season!

A Simple Fruit Dip for Strawberries, Plus 5 Ways to Use Up the Harvest

So it’s June and my strawberries have stopped bearing. (They’ve always been more May-bearing, actually.) It was a lovely harvest with plenty of fresh berries as well as a few gallons in my freezer for future use. The problem, if you can call it that, is I have limited room in said freezer. I need to start using up some of them to make room for the rest of the fruit and veggies coming my way this season. What follows are my suggestions for five delicious ways to use up strawberries. (Excerpt taken from the middle of the post.) CONTINUE READING


Enjoy our selection of spring reading and get ready for the warmer, better days ahead.

Yes, I said it, better days ahead. Count on it!


Resources and related posts:

Spring Bucket List: 25 Ways to Celebrate the Season

Getting Started in the Garden

Leggy Seedlings: Don’t Let This Happen to You

Uncovering Strawberries in Spring


Posts from a year ago:

You’re Never Too Old for a Tea Party

My Top Ten Must-do Spring Activities


From two years ago:

Spring Bucket List: 25 Ways to Celebrate the Season

How to Plan Your Garden




2 Responses

  1. Patsy Reiter

    Amy, love this post! I’m trying to start some seeds inside this year. Past years haven’t worked out
    well. I’ll see what grows. . . . Patsy 🙂


      It’s fun to see little heads pop through the soil! I love it! 😀