Inside: Dear Reader, let me take you on a tour of favorite plants in my garden, 2021 style. Join me in my garden, won’t you?

There are garden years I remember distinctly, and other past gardens that fade from memory. While this year was not a banner year, to be sure, I find much beauty in my pots and beds. Come along with me for a tour of favorite plants in my garden, 2021.
Something Old

Mom always says begonias look their best in August, and I couldn’t agree more. They are a staple in both her garden and mine. I can’t imagine a summer without them! Obviously I like the red ones the best.
Something New

I have a confession to make: I pilfered a cutting from Mom’s garden when I took care of her flowers while she was on vacation. I had never seen a coleus like this before and knew she wouldn’t mind. I love the gold and red leaves, don’t you agree? It’s really taken off in my old compost bucket.
Something Borrowed

I used to spot dusty miller in flats of various plants Mom had waiting on the back patio to be planted in her garden, and I never saw the point. It always looked odd to me, and it wasn’t until she gave me some extra that I decided to plant it. (I hate wasting plants.) Well, it didn’t take long before it “grew” on me. (I couldn’t help myself.) Oddly, dusty miller reminds me of Christmas. The leaves make me think of antlers, and the white color, snow. And mine nearly lasted that long outside! Here I have it paired with pink impatiens. And like that first time I put plant into soil, she gave me some this year, too.
Something Blue

I love the pretty color of this purple salvia. And I love how it comes back every year from seed. No fuss, no muss, just beautiful tiny bluish-purple delicate flowers for most of the growing season. Each year I eagerly search the flower bed for signs of purple salvia pushing its way through the soil. The daisies in front of it get most of the attention, but when those quickly come and go, my little purple salvia keeps right on blooming along. Lovely!
From a Friend

Moss roses have been a favorite of mine over the years, but these particular flowers have special meaning to me. They’re offspring from originals that came from my friend Joy when she moved to Georgia. Though the long plastic planter that housed them finally crumbled this year, I transferred the soil into a few containers so I’d still have them. The beauty of moss roses is that they reseed themselves every year, which is nearly as good as a perennial!

Every year, without fail, you’ll find some kind of ornamental sweet potato vine in my garden. This year I’ve actually planted both ornamental and regular edible sweet potato vines. I have fallen in love with this deep purple color. These heart-shaped leaves can actually appear bronze, and when wet, they really shine–literally. Very pretty!
A Little Bit of Whimsy

Wire grass is one of those plants that just makes me smile–its out-of-control blades reaching for the sky in all directions. At times I run my hands through it like unkempt hair or gather the grass together to give it a new ‘do. It’s fun–really fun–to watch it grow in my container garden around the steps.
Colorful Leaves

How could I forget my regular coleus, planted in the old Weber barbecue pit? Every year I station my large black kettle pot in my line of sight out the kitchen window. The colors are so lovely and uplifting, particularly once it gets going in early summer. By August and September, while still attractive, my coleus becomes very thirsty, and I have to make it a point to water it almost daily, depending on wind and heat. But all that extra work is still worth it to me!
Reliable Beauty

If you’ve been around this website for a while, you know that I love zinnias. This year I actually planted them in a pot, positioned near a window. What I hadn’t planned on is how tall they’d grow, and that I’d be able to see them out the window from where I sit in the living room. The flowers, one by one, bloomed to form a sort of flower candelabra. And the neatest part? Almost daily I’ve had hummingbirds stop by for lunch!
End of Tour
This concludes my tour. Thank you for stopping by my garden and watch your step as you exit.
Come backĀ again soon!

(Next stop: Stump Garden 2021.)
Resources and Related Posts:
Results of my Late Summer Garden
Our Top 10 Favorite Gardening Tips
Gardening Advice from a Thirty-year Greenhouse Veteran
This Day in Past Posts:
Starting the Long and Sentimental Project (2017)
Farm Summer Days, Zinnia Field, and Other News Fresh From the Farm (2020)