2018 Decluttering Challenge, Day 2: The Spare Bedroom

posted in: Simple Living | 2

Inside: It’s the second day of our challenge, and I’m decluttering the spare bedroom –otherwise known as my free version of a storage unit. Though I really don’t think anyone from Storage Wars would want to bid on this one!

2018 decluttering the spare bedroom.
The spare bedroom–the place you go to deposit something when you can’t think of where else to put it!

Decluttering the Spare Bedroom

The spare bedroom. You know the place. The catchall. The room that houses your adult children’s storage boxes for that someday when they promise to pick them up. When an item doesn’t have a permanent home, it’s often banished to “the spare bedroom.” And, really, is there even a bed in there? Yes, Virginia, there is, but it’s covered with so much stuff you can’t see it. Even Winston the cat has trouble finding a decent place to nap. (He thinks it’s his room.)

My assignment, should I choose to accept it, is to get rid of 50 items.

What types of throwaway items might you find lurking in the shadows of the spare bedroom?

  • piles of old magazines
  • stuff your adult children outgrew (tread carefully here)
  • objects spilled over from main closets
  • broken, unused, or outdated rejects from your entertainment center (VCRs, DVD players, gaming systems with old games)
  • books
  • boxes, wrapping paper, craft supplies
  • miscellaneous (Ever notice how there is always plenty of miscellaneous?)

How Did I Do?

The going was tough at first, but after a while I got into it and turned my 50 items goal into a total of 71! What sorts of things ended up in my throwaway pile today? An old remote, cord to a previous computer, cracked plastic plate (from my brother and sister-in-law’s wedding), old paper filters, tea tin, cleaned out milk jug, 6 plastic whipped topping bowls with 9 accompanying lids, packing material, and 36 boxes of varying sizes. (What am I, FedEx Jr.?)  I had accumulated quite a lot of boxes for using to wrap presents. (Note to self: Amazon boxes from this year’s gift buying season will do just fine, thank you very much!)

Truth be told, I barely made a dent in things. But that’s okay. I’ll get there, by golly. I’ll get there!

What’s up for tomorrow? Junk drawers. Tune in to see what I excavate!

What’s lurking in your spare bedroom? Confess in the comments.

Related posts:

Announcing Our 2018 Decluttering Challenge!

Reminder: Our 2018 Decluttering Challenge Starts Tomorrow!

2018 Decluttering Challenge, Day 1: The Kitchen

2018 Decluttering Challenge, Day 3: The Junk Drawer

5 Good Reasons to Declutter, Plus a Decluttering Challenge



2 Responses

  1. Margo Lynn Balinski

    Yesterday between Katie’s room, the top of the fridge, and the basement, I managed to get 32 items. I already scheduled my donation pick-up for next week and moved a few things into the garage for the sale we will have either later this fall or this spring. I am focused on the basement today. So far, 10 things. 🙂

    • amy@amyharkemoore.com

      Great job! Especially because I know how busy you are! 🙂 You have always been the friend of mine who gets the most stuff done consistently. I have always admired that about you. 🙂 Have you ever thought about doing an online course on productivity? Seriously!